Polygamy Day, Inc. A non-profit, non-religious, non-sectarian
corporation working to
achieve decriminalization of
freely consenting, adult, non-abusive, marriage-committed polygamy.


August 19

Each year, Polygamy Day ® is August 19.

POLYGAMY is NOT "bad for women"
Dr. Joyce Brothers:
"Polygamy is not as bad as people think.
I would rather be third
in line of a good man than the only wife of a jerk."
[Live, as Guest: Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect", Comedy Channel, Dec. 22, 1994]
POLYGAMY is NOT "Immoral"
Dr. Laura Schlessinger: "In the polygamous society of the
Bible, adultery is defined as sexual intercourse between a
man (whether married or unmarried) and a woman married to someone
else. In biblical times, most societies allowed men
to marry more than one woman."
["The Ten Commandments", Pg. 218, © 1998 Dr. Laura Schlessinger]